Import Requirements

Customs Requirements - Import to Germany with HL

The following documents and statements are necessary for customs clearance in Germany:

  1. Used Household Goods/ Personal effects
  2. Cars and / or motorcycles
    (used MORE than six month from customer)
  3. Cars and / or motorcycles
    (used LESS than six month from customer)
  4. Alcoholics


1. Used Household Goods/ Personal effects


2. Cars and / or motorcycles (used MORE than six month from customer)


3. Cars and/or motorcycles (used LESS than six month from customer)


4. Alcoholics


1. Customs duties varies between
0,4 % (for whisky etc.) and 40 % (for sparkling wine) of cif - value

2. VAT ( value added tax):
At present 19 % of cif - value + duty



Sulinger Straße 6, D-27211 Bassum

Fon  +49 (0)4241 / 9328-0
Fon  +49 (0)4241 / 9328-20

Website:, Bassum